I am a busy guy. Answering comments takes precious time from my daily life so don’t get mad if I don’t reply you back quickly or if I just don’t do. Plus, think twice before posting. If you really have something interesting to say, just go ahead. If that is something you really think I’d […]

How to use Cloudflare’s Argo Tunnel service to publish a website on FreeBSD 12/13
What is the Cloudflare Argo Tunnel service? In short, a tunneled connection between a host and Cloudflare’s network. A longer depiction can be read in a blog entry of theirs, but I would put it as a secure way to connect the services you want to publish using their network as a shield. An example […]

How to configure a Virtual Host in Apache
You may have just one website and that is ok. If that is your case you can avoid this entire chapter. But some of you may also have several websites. And quite probably you want to use one single public ip to resolve all the domains you have. The Apache documentation is the main resource […]

How to detect a WAF – Web Application Firewall
From a penetration testing perspective to identify if a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is in place is essential. The next question is, does an administrator need to know this? My view is, anyone who is in charge of any system that has implemented some sort of WAF needs to verify this tool is working, at […]

What is UNIX?
UNIX is an operating system. And your known equivalent is Windows or the Mac. You may even know about Linux. The purpose of an OS is to accommodate programs in order to get some work done. Editing pictures, browsing the web or serving data from a database. It is the thing that lets you operate […]

Absolute FreeBSD 3rd Edition Book Review
Absolute FreeBSD 3rd Edition from Michael W. Lucas, printed by ‘No Starch Press’, is an absolute (pun intended) must have for every BSD user and I’d go so far as to say to every UNIX and Linux user indeed. If you find the articles in Adminbyaccident.com useful to you, please consider making a donation. Use […]

How to install OSSEC agents on Windows
On a recent post I published about how to install an OSSEC server on Ubuntu I explained how this solution can help secure an infrastructure by deploying agents which report back to a central server. This is the second part of this server-client story. On this guide you will read about setting up agents and […]

How to install WPScan on FreeBSD
Vulnerability scanners are useful tools to find issues on systems, networks and the like. WPScan is dedicated to find vulnerabilities on WordPress installations. A short tutorial as an introduction to the tool has been published here. So if you are interested on the tool and on FreeBSD, let’s dig on this how to install WPScan […]

How to configure FreeBSD to use a webcam (version 12 and 13)
Introduction. Unlike many Linux distributions the FreeBSD operating system comes quite crude out of the box. What others will interpret as a disadvantage, with some knowledge on the system, others see the power to serve. Anyone willing to have a nice FreeBSD desktop experience with little effort, there are a couple of BSD-based distributions, like […]

Monitoring Systems (One)
Monitoring systems or how to get lost in fierce madness. There are many solutions to monitor systems and most of them have some kind of web interface to operate. Choosing the right tool for any job is a tedious task and for a newbie like me it is a bit harder, specially for a sensitive […]