This site is a one man show, and at this time there are no ads flashing anywhere. Writing takes time, and although I have a full-day paid job, I find hours here and there to make these pieces available. There are now more than 100 articles here in Adminbyaccident and with your help there could be more. Hosting costs are still coming straight from my pocket, so there’s that, something to be added to the time this takes.
The easiest and shortest piece takes at least 4 hours to be written, reviewed and put in the CMS. The complex ones take a few working days time to get published. This is not just copy and paste, I need to find the words, try the software, read documentation, sometimes fail and start all over again. Yes, I’ve daily used software such as Apache HTTP, Suricata, Clamav, Nmap, Nessus or configured TLS at work, (and don’t forget Windows patching), to name a few, but I can’t be an expert on everything. If you help me with your donations this could eventually change.
Furthermore, having a different view on matters takes time, to read, to think, to experiment and put that into a piece of paper. Charts like the one found on the ‘Linux vs open-source UNIX’ don’t come by chance. Writing five articles which start with the words ‘Abandon Linux’ is also something to be considered. One needs guts to do that. Looking at CentOS Stream differently as to almost everyone, not only takes a personality of its own. Even if you disagree or dislike all of them, consider the brain time those take. Remember, a different opinion, or even better a contrary opinion, usually validates yours. There’s no good without the bad. Don’t donate if you dislike the content, that’s obvious, however I’d like you to consider the effort it takes.
The articles on the FAMP stack I’ve written on Digital Ocean have been more profitable than any other thing here. However, there’s a catch. Those are tutorials and although they are reviewed by an editor and checked, their scope is a bit limited. Tutorials are action/task-driven, getting something done. Understanding the thing is something else and beyond the scope of such tutorials. This is what I try, and very few times succeed, to do here, to bring a few more phrases to understand what the software does, what the implications of changing this setting or that other have overall.
If you find the articles in useful to you, please consider making a donation.
Click on the button below to make a one time or a periodical donation.
Donation money will go on:
– Hosting expenses. Use this link to get 200 $ credit at DOcean and support hosting costs.
– Domain cost. I have managed on OVH.
– Internet connection. Yes, a nice one, not ADSL anymore.
– Backup servers. Yes, I am still doing backups on my home boxes.
– Myself. Rent, food, water, those are the usual ones. But knowledge comes at a price too.
– Video. Maybe you’d like to see a few of the things written here on video. I have no video equipment whatsoever. Your donation could help on that.
– FreeBSD. There’s not much contented dedicated to it on the internet. Help me write more on that great OS.