Clamav is an antivirus. But don’t think of Clamav as the antivirus you have sitting in your personal computer at home or in your office. It’s an antivirus that works under user demand. It is not constantly monitoring the system. So you will have to setup some cronjobs in order to check and monitor the files and directories under your concern.
sudo pkg install clamav
sudo vi /etc/rc.conf
To enable it’s functionality without rebooting you must type the following commands in this order:
sudo service clamav-freshclam onestart
As root type the following in order to download the latest registration of viruses.
Once the virus database is up to date you may now start the clamd service as:
sudo service clamav-clamd onestart
The notification says it has downloaded the files and updated the database but clamd was not notified in a socket. The question is if this is natural. If you first try to start the clamd service it will complain about not having run freshclam first.
Just as a precaution we will run freshclam again.
Now you can scan some folder in order to test the tool or you can scan the whole computer/server by typing the command “clamscan”.
[user@server ~]$ clamscan -rv Files
Scanning Files/default.vcl
Files/default.vcl: OK
Scanning Files/httpd-vhosts.conf
Files/httpd-vhosts.conf: OK
Scanning Files/280_mod_security.conf
Files/280_mod_security.conf: OK
Scanning Files/030_php-fpm.conf
Files/030_php-fpm.conf: OK
Scanning Files/httpd.conf
Files/httpd.conf: OK
Scanning Files/modsecurity.conf
Files/modsecurity.conf: OK
Scanning Files/rc.conf
Files/rc.conf: OK
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6477933
Engine version: 0.100.0
Scanned directories: 4
Scanned files: 17
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.05 MB
Data read: 0.03 MB (ratio 1.86:1)
Time: 28.754 sec (0 m 28 s)
[user@server ~]$
If you happen to be willing to add mail functionality to your server Clamav also has a binary which is useful in that purpose. The port in FreeBSD is called clamav-milter.
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