Monitoring systems or how to get lost in fierce madness. There are many solutions to monitor systems and most of them have some kind of web interface to operate. Choosing the right tool for any job is a tedious task and for a newbie like me it is a bit harder, specially for a sensitive […]

Monitoring Systems (One)

The root account
Users. What the hell you mean by “root”? Are you a Windows user? I bet you have the user account badly configured. By default Windows is installed under the Administrator account. And nobody bothers to change this and add a second account. That second account should be an underprivileged one. If you own the computer […]

How to format an USB drive on FreeBSD
File system support on FreeBSD falls onto UFS (UNIX File System) or originally named the FFS (Fast File System and on ZFS (Zetabyte File System). If you are using your box as a desktop-workstation you will use USB drives to share files with other systems, to carry things on your pocket or safe the day […]

How to export a MySQL database.
You are your website editor, owner and now administrator. You want control over the whole process and you are migrating from a managed site. Or you are a versed user on unix-like environments and you are just willing to export your database. This is a simple post on how to export a MySQL database. If […]

How to install Nextcloud on FreeBSD 12
Nextcloud. Have you heard of it? That’s quite probable if you’re here. But, what is it, what is it? Some say it is a Google Apps replacement, some say it’s just a place to store your documents, some others just rely on it to share documents across the company and edit them just in time […]

How to manually update Letsencrypt certificates on FreeBSD
Update 05-2020: If anyone is interested on the automatic process you can read my tutorial on DigitalOcean about the topic. On this guide we will manually update our Letsencrypt certificate on FreeBSD for a single website. It is a simple operation that can be automated as a cron job, but seeing it is always informative […]

How to enable SSL on Apache on FreeBSD
On this guide you will read about a simple way to enable Apache’s TLS connections on your web server. Aside from useful it secures the connection from the client to the server and prevents unwanted tinkering. Anyone on the need of SSL (nowadays TLS) will benefit from this article but particularly will do those in […]

How to replace a disk on a ZFS mirror pool
It’s happened to me, it’s happened to you, it’s happened more than one million times and it will still happen in the future. You run out of disk space or a disk fails. Nowadays you are using ZFS, and instead of having a fancy RAIDZ, because you still don’t need it, you are using a […]

The Original Sin
Disclaimer: What you are about to read may contain inaccuracies. Feel free to discuss them somewhere else. This is also my opinion and as such it may change through time, maybe tomorrow, next month, next year, next decade or never. I do also make very few reviews (if any) of what I write here so […]

How to configure TLS 1.2 on UNIX or GNU/Linux
This is an article willing to help and point out a few useful resources for those using Apache HTTP or NGINX web servers that are still using the deprecated SSLv3, TLS 1.0 and/or TLS 1.1 verions. If you find the articles in useful to you, please consider making a donation. Use this link to […]