The default version of OpenSSH in FreeBSD 12.2 today, and it’s been this for quite some time, is not the most recent published by the OpenBSD guys, which by the way are the ones developing OpenSSH. Not only is not the latest but it has a few vulnerabilities affecting it, medium risk ones but nevertheless they exist. In this short article I pretend to show how to check if the … [Read more...]
How to configure TLS 1.2 on UNIX or GNU/Linux
This is an article willing to help and point out a few useful resources for those using Apache HTTP or NGINX web servers that are still using the deprecated SSLv3, TLS 1.0 and/or TLS 1.1 verions. If you find the articles in useful to you, please consider making a donation. Use this link to get $200 credit at DigitalOcean and support … [Read more...]
How to install Ansible on FreeBSD
Ansible is a very useful tool geared to system’s configuration and applications deployment. In this how to install Ansible on FreeBSD I will briefly explain what the tool is, what it does, what it does not and how to install it on FreeBSD. I will also demonstrate very basic use and on a later article I will write about software deployment and maintenance through … [Read more...]
How to mirror disks on FreeBSD’s ZFS
This article is not going to be a long, detailed, specialized how to. I just wanted to share the ease and the fantastic quality of ZFS for a dead simple need I had. A spare box with a spare disk doing nothing could be repurposed as a file share box at home. Mirroring the two disks would allow me to have a reliable file server. If one disk goes south the other one will still … [Read more...]
How to upgrade MariaDB on FreeBSD
As we all know a best practice recommendation that has been made forever, and forever many are just skipping, is running up to date software and it is one of the core fundamentals of IT. If you happen to use MariaDB on FreeBSD, the official guide on their website may not be that all helpful since most instructions are referred to GNU/Linux users. So here comes my very simple, … [Read more...]