It had to happen again. Anyone betting on new hardware vulnerabilities on Intel processors would have won. This time these are called the MDS vulnerabilities, which stands for Microarchitectural Data Sampling. The trouble is the ones who would have really made big money would have been those stating the new CPUs were on the same conditions or even worse as the older CPUs. And … [Read more...]
How to install OpenVAS on FreeBSD
Was ist das? OpenVAS is a vulnerability scanner. If you are unfamiliar to the vulnerability scanning world this can be an overwhelmingly experience but tools like this are what makes the matter more accessible, more manageable, easy to see and easy to fix. Before digging into the matter at hand here, that is how to install OpenVAS on FreeBSD, let’s put some context … [Read more...]
Lynis or how to quickly audit your system’s security configuration
A colleague of mine pointed me out to Lynis, a system’s configuration audit tool which checks the hardening of any running UNIX or UNIX-like system, including the BSDs. This tool has a built in check list and a set of sane and safe configurations and compares them to the target system. As output we find several topics, from system discovery to suggestions for some … [Read more...]
How to test pfSense on VirtualBox running on FreeBSD
There are other guides on how to do this on Windows, Mac, but not on FreeBSD, so here goes a how to pfSense on Virtualbox running on FreeBSD. Before going to it, let’s address the first question, which is what is pfSense. pfSense is a FreeBSD based distribution made for networking purposes. The company behind it is called Netgate, and they sell very interesting hardware … [Read more...]
Abandon Linux. How to export and import FreeBSD Jails ‘a la Docker’
FreeBSD Jails is an awesome tool similar to Docker but much older which allows administrators and developers alike to have several securely contained userland environments sharing one kernel. Does it sound familiar? This is operating-system-level virtualization and it’s different than what you find on KVM or Xen camps. For more detailed information I’ve published some other … [Read more...]