You may have just one website and that is ok. If that is your case you can avoid this entire chapter. But some of you may also have several websites. And quite probably you want to use one single public ip to resolve all the domains you have. The Apache documentation is the main resource to go and find out the solution for your particular problem. In here we will setup two … [Read more...]
How to install Apache in FreeBSD with ports
Or better said, how to install Apache the hard way. As mentioned before and many other times FreeBSD has two ways to install software. The easy one which is provided by the pkgng tool. And the not so easy one, ports. With ports you compile the programs and you can set the options the way you prefer. By the way... anyone using a Mac? Does anyone know about the Homebrew? … [Read more...]
How to install Apache in FreeBSD with pkgng
The Apache Web Server is one of the most widely deployed web servers around the world. There are new and powerful alternatives you may have heard of, such as NGINX which seems to be the coolest thing around lately. There are meaningful differences between the two. Both are great but for example Apache has set the bar first and that shows when you have to install any piece of … [Read more...]
How to synchronize system and network time in FreeBSD
For several applications it is necessary to synchronize your server to the network time. The protocol is called Network Time Protocol (NTP) and is basically giving the correct time to the world nowadays. Reading the Wikipedia entry is very interesting. FreeBSD comes with the ntp client. To set this up you will just add the following line into the /etc/rc.conf … [Read more...]
How to set time and date in FreeBSD
In a FreeBSD system one may need to adjust date and time, specially if one has opened a VPS instance in some hosting provider. The system already provides a list of time zones. Just look around in the /usr/share/zoneinfo folder and subfolders to find the one that fits your needs. Just remember this will have complete effect on the overall behaviour on the server or desktop. Any … [Read more...]