This article is not going to be a long, detailed, specialized how to. I just wanted to share the ease and the fantastic quality of ZFS for a dead simple need I had. A spare box with a spare disk doing nothing could be repurposed as a file share box at home. Mirroring the two disks would allow me to have a reliable file server. If one disk goes south the other one will still … [Read more...]
Nmap cheatsheet
Nmap is a discovery tool used in security circles but very useful for network administrators or sysadmins. One can get information about operating systems, open ports, running apps with quite good accuracy. It can even be used in substitution to vulnerability scanners such as Nessus or OpenVAS for not very large environments, or quick audits. If you find the articles in … [Read more...]
How to upgrade MariaDB on FreeBSD
As we all know a best practice recommendation that has been made forever, and forever many are just skipping, is running up to date software and it is one of the core fundamentals of IT. If you happen to use MariaDB on FreeBSD, the official guide on their website may not be that all helpful since most instructions are referred to GNU/Linux users. So here comes my very simple, … [Read more...]
A few useful network commands
Troubleshooting network issues with simple commands is not a very difficult topic once there is a little toolbox to pull from. Needless to say networking topics can be very complicated and any specialist on the field will tell you how cumbersome it can really get. However with a few set of commands one can get some important information that will help when dealing with network … [Read more...]
Absolute FreeBSD 3rd Edition Book Review
Absolute FreeBSD 3rd Edition from Michael W. Lucas, printed by ‘No Starch Press’, is an absolute (pun intended) must have for every BSD user and I’d go so far as to say to every UNIX and Linux user indeed. If you find the articles in useful to you, please consider making a donation. Use this link to get $200 credit at DigitalOcean and support … [Read more...]